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Climate & Nature indicators

Beyond emissions, it is becoming increasingly essential to report on broader sustainability indicators including water, waste, recycling, air quality, soil pollutants, ecosystem and use of other resources.

Accurate reporting on climate and nature sustainability indicators

Sustainability Tracker (ST) is designed to be compliant with, and easily adapt to, diverse regulations and governance frameworks and requirements across different sites and countries, as well as capturing changes in sustainability indicators caused by process variations across the supply chain.

It tracks the sustainability indicators set by the evolving requirements of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD).


Access to fresh water is recognised by the UN as a human right, and sustainable water management is a core part of global sustainability efforts. The Sustainable Development Goals, adopted by the UN as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, include a core goal to ‘Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all’.

ST can help you accurately track the amount and condition of water you withdraw, consume and discharge from your operation. It can track consumption by source – such as surface water groundwater, seawater, third party water or water from stressed sources – and measure water discharge indicators including volume, concentration of pollutants, discharge destination and amount of water treated, reused or avoided.

With an in-depth understanding of your water usage, you can meet your reporting obligations, reduce water wastage/loss, assess your impact and develop effective water management processes.


Whether during production, materials processing, packaging, transportation, product use or disposal, waste is generated at every stage of your value chain, impacting the surrounding environment and human health.

That’s why the Sustainable Development Goals call on organisations to implement environmentally sound waste management practices, and prevent and reduce waste through reuse and recycling. Detailed waste tracking is increasingly required for compliance reporting.

ST can help you track, analyse, reduce and report on your hazardous and non-hazardous waste generation across your supply chain, along with waste disposal and waste minimised, reused or recycled – both upstream and downstream.

As a result, you can accurately report information about your end-to-end waste-related impacts, and reduce and optimise how you manage them.


The production of industrial materials is an intensive consumer of energy and raw natural materials, and a major producer of waste products and emissions. As such, consumers, governments and regulators are demanding better recycling and waste management of materials from plastics to scrap metal.

Much of this is built around the idea of a circularity, where materials are continually reused and recycled to create new goods and reduce landfill.

Tracking and measuring the total amount of waste by type minimised, re-used or recycled, ST analyses waste across your supply chain from raw materials down to finished product and delivery.

Air quality

Air pollution presents one of the world’s biggest environmental health risks, and industrial processes are a significant contributor to regional and local air pollution. Degraded air quality has serious costs in terms of quality of life, disease, forest damage, reduced agricultural output, soil damage and water contamination.

ST can measure the volume of non-GHG pollutants released to air by type, including particulate matter (PM), sulphur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), persistent organic pollutants (POP), volatile organic compounds (VOC) and hazardous air pollutants (HAP).

It is designed to give you the insights you need to measure, track and optimise your impact on air quality and emissions across your operations.

Soil pollutants, ecosystems and other resource use

The industrial sector is one of the major consumers of energy, water and raw materials and a high-volume emitter of greenhouse gases, waste and toxic by-products.

As such, industrial organisations have a unique responsibility to care for the soil, natural ecosystems and biodiversity across the regions in which they operate and beyond. Impacts include physical damage to habitats in land, sea and air, over-exploitation of natural resources, chemical contamination, pollution or biological damage.

ST can track a wide range of indicators including terrestrial ecosystem use that overlaps with legally protected and internationally recognised areas, pollutants released to soil by type, plastic production and use of natural resources sourced from land, marine areas, freshwater areas and priority areas.

Accurately tracking your waste, emissions and significant outputs using the ST platform enables you to minimise your impact and ensure compliance.

Take control with proven sustainability reporting software

To learn how Sustainability Tracker can help your organisation with digital transformation for production reporting, materials and energy balance, process optimisation and sustainability reporting, contact our expert team on +61 2 7229 5662 or