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Why Excel Templates Are Not Adequate For CBAM Reporting

Are you searching for a Microsoft Excel template for CBAM reporting? This article explores the pros and cons of Excel and explains why using spreadsheets alone risks non-compliant, inaccurate, and inefficient CBAM reporting, data capture and analytics. It also covers the importance of digital sustainability reporting solutions. Contents What is the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism […]

The risks of using manual spreadsheets for your sustainability reporting

Organisations of all sizes, and from all sectors, are under increasing pressure to reduce their carbon emissions and overall environmental impact. As the need to tackle climate change intensifies, governments and regulatory bodies around the world are stepping up their reporting requirements and targets. This is particularly the case for organisations in emissions-intensive sectors like […]

Industrial Sustainability Reporting Guide For 2024 and Beyond

Industrial Sustainability reporting

Meeting today’s mandatory regulations requires the right data-driven digital tools While calls for transparent industrial sustainability reporting have been growing louder in recent years, 2024 is the year they move from a voluntary nice-to-have to a mission-critical mandatory activity with significant real-world consequences. Not only are global regulators mandating accurate sustainability reporting across the supply chain, but […]

Scope 3 emissions reporting: The next big sustainability priority for industrial organisations

Accurate Scope 3 tracking is only possible with digital tools Across the world, governing organisations and markets are demanding end-to-end transparency of emissions across the supply chain. Beyond direct emissions (Scope 1), they now require granular disclosures of indirect electricity and other indirect emissions (Scopes 2 and 3) upstream and downstream. With Scope 3 emissions […]

How the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) impacts industrial organisations

Why measuring emissions down to a product level is now a key priority for industrial operations For the first time across the world, legislators, shareholders, investors, partners, employees and market sentiment have aligned to demand sustainability reporting transparency, particularly for energy-intensive industries. The introduction of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) in October 2023 puts a price […]

Software offering sustainable solutions

Originally published on Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) in collaboration with Industrial Sustainability solutions Reliable sustainability measurement and reporting is now on many boards’ agendas. An Australia-developed, configurable and auditable analytics platform could be the solution. Directors have been warned their sustainability metrics must be robust or they risk penalties ahead of internationally aligned […]